The following scholarships /assistances are being awarded to the students as per the eligibility criteria.
- Girls in Government Polytechnics are exempted from tuition Fee and hostel rent. Financial support in terms of Maintenance Allowances @Rs1500/- per Month for Hostellers & @Rs500/- PM for Day Scholar and post training placement and Apprenticeship Training both inside and outside the State are applicable to Girls under ‘Sudakshya’ scheme.
- AICTE Pragati Scholarship for girl students (only for freshers) @ Rs. 50,000 per annum for all categories with parental income of Rs. 8 lakhs or less, which will be renewed in the subsequent years.
- AICTE Saksham Scholarship for differently-abled students with 40% or more disability (only for freshers) @ Rs. 50,000 per annum for all categories with parental income of Rs. 8 lakhs or less.
- Merit-cum-poverty (MCP) scholarships for 10% students in every discipline. Meritorious General category Diploma students of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year in this institution for the award of Merit-Cum-Poverty Stipend. The parent’s annual income from all sources should not exceed Rs. 4.5 lakhs.
- Post-metric scholarships (PMS) under state scholarship & other financial assistance sanctioned by the government from time to time for ST/SC/OBC/SEBC/Minority Community students in all institutions.
- Financial assistance to complete the study if the parents/financial guardian of the student dies during the study period.
- One-time scholarship of Rs. 6,000 to eligible topper students in each semester examination.
- Financial assistance to children/wards of building and other construction workers (BOC) up to Rs. 40,000.
- Financial assistance for girl toppers.
- Green Passage Scheme of Govt. of Odisha in Deptt. of Higher Education started in the year 2015 after passing Resolution No.23836 dtd 29.10.2015. The main aim and objective of the scheme is to provide free education to the children without biological or adoptive parents for pursuing higher study.